Chicago & The Excuses

I get to work in two states, and I feel like the most fortunate little lady on the planet.

I love having the flexibility to build a new clientele in Florida, while also being able to travel to Chicago and spend time with the girls that helped me build my Esty (not ETSY) career.

When I go out there, I overextend myself. Hence why I basically fall off the text messaging planet (sorry if I’ve ignored you when I’ve been working there).

I book very long hours with no breaks

I fly in and out super early (and if you know me, you know I don’t love to fly, so the anxiety of making sure I’m awake in time adds to the stress)

I eat like a subway rat (munches on random crackers, half an old apple, a loaf of bread… things that don’t make sense, AND I insert an IV of caffeine in my veins, which, again, if you know me, you know I only drink decaf.)

But every minute of it is worth it.

I get to go back to the city that made me grow up quick, fast and in a hurry.

It reminds me that I never give up on my dreams, desires, and anything I put my mind to.

I thought about saying, “I’m so fortunate that everything I’ve ever put in my universe has come true in some fashion” (meaning either exactly what I’ve desired or something more aligned with me), but then I thought, well I’m not “fortunate” because I work hard.

I work hard so that it comes to me easily…

You know what I mean?

I tell my universe exactly what I want to happen, and I allow it to show me exactly what steps to take.

I never make excuses for why it can’t work.

As I’ve discussed in previous blogs, one thing I can’t get behind energetically is wanting something so unbelievably bad, but making every excuse in the world not to go for it.

We all have those people in our lives. You know, the ones that always tell you the things they want to do, but never do it, and you’re like, “Okay, if you tell me this one more time and don’t do it, I’m going to pull my hair out.”

You get it.

I was having breakfast with a girlfriend in Chicago, and she told me her plan on moving out of state.

Let me be clear when I say this girl has every reason to make all the excuses in the world to not follow her dreams. She’s been put through the ringer the past few years physically and emotionally.

I’ve had other friends and family ask if she’s actually going to make the move, and I keep saying “I think so, but things could change.”

Well, not this time. I saw her and she nearly jumped out of her own skin telling me her plan and how fast it’s coming up, and I couldn’t be happier for her!

Nothing makes me happier when it comes to manifesting than watching people follow through with their desires.

I’ve had people say, “well I don’t believe X is just going to show up on my doorstep.”


  1. You’re correct, because you’ve put that vibe out there that it’s never going to. So, congratulations. (insert sarcastic thumbs up here)

  2. Part of manifesting and calling in your desires is taking that inspired action

So, to prove that once you request something out to the universe, here’s what’s been going on.

Something I’m working on right now is a book.

I know. It’s weird. I can’t believe I’m even attempting it, but why wouldn’t I?

Who’s going to stop me?

I will always always always make an effort to do the things I want to do most in life even if people can’t get behind it.

I love to write.

I started a blog.

I want to write a book.

So I will.

I’ve had days where I’ve had a complete writer's block, even though it’s on a subject I’m passionate about, and I’ve had days where I’ve cranked out four chapters.

No matter where I am in the process, I will never stop. Even if I tell myself I give up. (get out of here, ego)

I will never stop dreaming, following my dreams and taking all the inspired action that comes to me in order to achieve said dreams.

I had a dream to run my own business in order to have that freedom, so I busted my butt working as an employed esthetician until I decided I needed to start my personal Aly the Esty business.

I was absolutely crushed leaving my clients in Chicago because I had built such a bond with them over the years, so I make it a point to go out there multiple times a year to show my gratitude.

I wanted to find a salon in Florida that was in a great area with amazing coworkers that fit my style of work and my vibe, so I reached out to salons and one got back to me instantly: insert Luce Salon & Spa here matching that desire to a T.

I’ve always loved to write, but had no idea how to incorporate that into my Aly the Esty biz. Guess what, it doesn’t have anything to do with esthetics, but has everything to do with how I live my day-to-day life, which is awesome because now I get to have my worlds collide because I’ve got clients reading my blog (thanks, ladies!)

I eventually want to get into real estate investing, so I went to real estate school and passed the course, and now I run my parents airbnb and am learning a lot! Preparing myself for my future real estate investments.

What I want all of you to realize is that you’re more than capable of achieving everything you want in life. Even if it doesn’t make sense with what you’re doing at this current moment. And you should start it NOW.

Stop waiting for the heavens to open, the stars to perfectly align (because they’ll do that for you once you set your desire out there), your finances to be perfect, for permission… all of it. Just start now.

If you would have told 2013 Aly who was fresh out of college and working for a recruiting firm that 2023 Aly would be living in Florida, rebuilding her business while simultaneously traveling back to Chicago, while also running an airbnb AND starting her writing career, she would have laughed (hard and loud) in your face, bought you a shot of Malort (woop woop!), but thought that would be the DREAM.

So, here I am, living proof that you CAN DO IT.

The ball is always always always in your court.

It’s up to you if you have it in you to make things happen.

Everything will always work out the way it’s supposed to, which is why you need to keep the faith in your dreams and let the universe do all the mountain moving for you, and you take each step as it appears in front of you.


  1. Write down every single desire you have for the rest of your life. Even if they don't seem like they go together

  2. Write down one reason for each why they wouldn’t work (yes, get it out of your system and see what your blocks are)

  3. Then, write at least TWO reasons why they would work out

  4. Write down how you would be feeling about each of those coming to fruition

Have fun and see what happens!



Peace, Baby