Follow Your Heart, But...
“Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.”
One of my favorite quotes of all time.
I pulled an oracle card for you today, and it's the "Follow your heart" card.
"The answer to your question is in your heart.
This card signifies that you can follow your hearts truest desires, even if you can't clearly see how the outcome will appear or manifest.
This is a situation where you're called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself.
The universe will ensure that your needs are met and will help with your relationships as you make life changes."
Additional meanings:
"You already know what to do; trust your intuition and take action accordingly.
Your feelings are accurate and valid.
You're guided to make important and happy life changes.
You're receiving true Divine guidance through your feelings and intuition."
This card speaks to me. Does it speak to you?
Is there a decision you're mulling over?
Has something been on your mind and you're not sure what to do about it?
Let me explain:
For me, I love to write. I always have.
I excelled in English classes and writing essays. Annoying, right?
Don't worry, I wasn't the person in class requesting we have essay questions.
Lately, I've had this voice in my head going "write. write. write. HELLO? I said write."
No idea why now, but as quoted above,
"This is a situation where you're called upon to walk in faith and be true to yourself"
I feel a strong desire to write, but most importantly write and have people read it.
Although I have no concrete reason to believe what I'm writing about will help others, I'm choosing to have faith and take this journey and see where it leads.
The one card I've pulled multiple times for myself lately is the "Teacher" card. I'll get into the deeper meaning of that one once the card is pulled for you.
What am I gathering from these two cards?
In my writing, I am to teach you what I know, and what I know is what it means to be a master "in your universe".
So here I am, being true to myself, following my heart, and choosing to be the teacher of all things I know to be true.
It's uncomfortable writing to you, of course, with the fear of being judged (waving hi to the judgement, acknowledging it, and then waving buh-bye), but being judged doesn't serve me.
What my true desire is in writing this blog is to reach those who are looking for a shinier light, a glimpse of positivity, different perspectives when you're faced with a yucky moment, and overall optimism and knowing everything is okay and as it should be.
Some people will roll their eyes, and that's okay, but those people aren't for me, and probably aren't for you either - which is why you're here! Hi!
BUT! How do you know when or how to DO the thing you're thinking about?
Take inspired action!
This means you must always follow your heart, especially when you feel you have a strong calling to do something, but you must also listen when your brain starts telling you to take inspired action.
Aly, give me an example.
I felt I wanted to write - couldn't figure out why, when, how, or for what purpose.
I felt nervous and uncomfortable thinking of doing it - who's going to give a shiz?
I felt I needed permission or support to start - I love you, but I don't need permission to write anything...right?
I made a random Instagram story about maybe making a blog after having a weird day - unintentionally, I might add, and I was flooded with approval (which I know I don't need), and people messaging me and talking to me in person encouraging me to do it - THANKS FOR THE NUDGE, UNIVERSE!
The feeling was there - it was in my heart that I've wanted to do this.
The thought was there - I took the inspired action and started.
I feel so incredibly happy even though it seems so small.
It gives me a sense of purpose on my days off from the salon.
I'm more "in the moment" because I'm thinking of how whatever I'm doing or going through is affecting my universe, and what lesson I'm learning that I can share with all of you!
Clearly identify one idea you've been tossing around in your head that speaks to your heart.
Tell the universe you're going to do something about it. Believe it.
Breakdown your plan into three small steps (it doesn't have to be start-to-finish - any plan will do).
Do one step this week and watch as it unfolds.
You've got this!